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    Some Saturday Stuff- April 20th

        What an insane news week, right? Tragedy and tears on Monday and by Friday, Boston is locked down and finally, relief and cheers. I spent hours yesterday glued to the…

  • life-after-art

    Life with “Art”

        I just finished reading my blogger buddy Matt Appling’s first book, “Life After Art.” Like I just finished it three minutes ago. Upon closing the back cover, I told K,…

  • Some Saturday stuff- April 13th.

    Zoe plays Vanna White by displaying my two new book purchases.       After gettiing some positive feedback from last week’s Saturday stuff post, I figured I’d do it again today.…

  • MaryMarymary

    And I…

      One of my favorite Mary Mary songs- actually, one of my favorite worship songs, period- was never a hit single. I actually never heard it played on the radio, either. Yet,…

  • cos

    Well, this is a first.

      I was sorting the mail and saw the above glossy invite flier to attend a community meeting at the local Church of Scientology! While I’ve been repeatedly invited to Watchtower meetings…

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    Sing about me.

      Jos and Zoe, a month before her death.       When the sad news that 27 year old Matthew Warren, son of Pastor Rick Warren, had taken his own life…

  • madmen donep1 post

    Twenty Questions: Mad Men

          I haven’t done a Twenty Questions in a while, so what better way to kick it off here at East of Eden than with last night’s season premiere of…

  • sat

    Some Saturday stuff.

        K is off fishing with some friends this weekend, so it’s just me and Z. She hasn’t been too naughty- I did get a head butt last night which resulted…

  • MadeleinePeyroux

    Music you should hear: Madeleine Peyroux

          I’ve been a Billie Holiday fan for years (I like to tuck a white flower behind my ear from time to time and even have a black and white…

  • josandme1994

    Death, no more

        Last November, my little sister Joscelyne died. She was 28, married with two kids, Justin and Sophia. She loved cooking, baking and singing. She had earned one master’s degree, and…