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        It’s raining like crazy out, K’s gone to work, Z’s still sleeping, and I’m on to another cup of coffee and some leftover danish from Randy. I’m procastinating on doing…

  • randy3

    Look at this photograph.

        Randy, my friend of fifteen years, came over yesterday morning. I made coffee on my Kuerig. He brought danish.   His paternal grandmother passed of cancer and the memorial was…

  • unbelievable-places-8

    But they really exist!

        Amazing, right? Looks like an image out of some fantasy world. Yet, it’s real and is called the Tunnel of Love and is located in the Ukraine. Check out more…

  • MJ Mearns - Sepia Daisies

    Behind My Lens: MJ Mearns

    Editor’s Note:   This first appeared at Jumping At The Sun last year.   ~ADF     New Jersey photographer MJ Mearns opened her vast portfolio to share some of her favorite…

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    She’s got a bouquet.

          Since I got inked in memory of Joscelyne, our cousin Shay and her best friend Jen did, too. All lilies. I know the Diva would be quite pleased, having…

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    Some Saturday Stuff- May 4th.

    I was smiles. Z, not so much.     May the fourth be with you, happy Kentucky Derby Day, and an early happy Cinco de Mayo, to you, too. I didn’t have…

  • ruthie

    Snot and tears and heaving chest.

          Late Sunday night, I sent out a quick email to blogger buddy Rod Dreher about his new book, “The Little Way of Ruthie Leming”:   I sat crying. Snot…

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    Where is the Love?

          Last Sunday at church, my pastor read aloud from John, chapter 13. When he read verses 34 and 35, I mentally froze. It says,  “A new command I give…

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    Praise Report: AJ is OK!

      For all those prayer warriors who have been lifting up little Abigail Joy, great news: this weekend she was released from the hospital! So happy to be home, she was all…

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    Welcome to the world, Dawson Tyler!

      My lovely friend Kathy and her husband Tony welcomed their second son, Dawson Tyler into this world on April 18th. Weighing in at a healthy 8 pounds, 15 ounces, Dawson has…