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  • Evangelicals, are ya’ll okay?

    “Star spangled sacrilege”

  • Lent 2021, Day 19: This is what religion without religion looks like.

    “Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.”

    ― Blaise Pascal

  • Lent 2021, Day 14: White light and the visible present.

    Sigh. The sad state of American Evangelical Christianity today, and how it got here.

  • ronald reagan

    The Preachers: Jerry Falwell, Sr.: Part 2

    President Ronald Reagan and Reverend Falwell. (Image Source)   When last we left off on Falwell, it was the mid-60’s, his Thomas Road Baptist Church was growing, and he was staunchly against…

  • jerryfalwell

    The Preachers: Jerry Falwell, Sr.: When Religion & Politics Mix.

    Jerry Falwell, Sr. (Image Source) Ever since Donald Trump’s run for president began over three years ago, there has been a whole lot of talk about the “Evangelical Vote,” “White Evangelical Christians,”…

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    Some Sunday Stuff: June 25th

    From left to right: Greg, Nate, Joe, Justin, Jenny and the judge.   It’s been a looooong time since I did a “Some… Stuff” post, but here goes. On Friday, my brother…

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    Lent- Day 21: I’m just going to leave this here.

    (Image: Youtube)   This morning, while still in bed, I read a news alert on my phone about President Trump’s new interview with Time… and it is something. Really something. But it’s the…


    Some Saturday Stuff: November 15th.

    (Source: @sarahcpr, Twitter)     While the Internet went cray (but, alas, not broken) over Kim Kardashian’s oiled-up cakes on the cover of Paper magazine this week, I was busy binging on…

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    Convert, pay or die.

    Iraqi Christian women at church in June. (Source)     Over the last few days, things have grown dire for Christians in Mosul, a city in northern Iraq. From a July 18th…

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    The Simpsons foretold it.

    Well, not really.   The “it” is Brazil losing to Germany in the World Cup, which happened on Tuesday. Boy did it ever happen. Losing is one thing, but seven to one!?…