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  • On your 40th.

    “the diamond glints on snow,
    the sun on ripened grain,
    the gentle autumn rain”

  • Not goodbye.

    It’s not goodbye. It’s just like she always use to say to us kids before we’d leave for school: “See you later, alligator. After while, crocodile.” And give Joscelyne so many kisses for me.

  • The Decade of Wistful Thinking.

    “K, upon hearing that she had visited with us all in those final weeks, supposed her spirit was leading her to say goodbye, to give some closure. I held in my heart that suggestion, even as I knew I’d only get closure at my own death. My very act of living is a testimony of her death.”

  • Lent 2021, Day 10: Previously On.

    “What is grief, if not love persevering?”


  • Living the parting hour.

    On the Death of Anne Brontë By Charlotte Bronte There’s little joy in life for me,      And little terror in the grave;I ‘ve lived the parting hour to see      Of one I would have…

  • liliandgoo

    The opposite of her.

    Me, on my 3rd birthday, and Jos, 6 months, in 1985.  “A sister is both your mirror – and your opposite.” – Elizabeth Fishel It’s the sixth year since she left, quietly,…

  • Jos5yrs

    Even in my sleep.

      “Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forgetfalls drop by drop upon the heart,until, in our own despair,against our will,comes wisdomthrough the awful grace of God.” -Aeschylus     I’ll love…

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    Some Sunday Stuff: August 6th.

    Miss you, Jos.   Happy Sunday, Everyone. Today would’ve been my sister Joscelyne’s 33rd birthday. Well, it still is to me. As I do everyday, I miss her. So Happy Birthday to…

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    Forever 28. Three years old.

        Friday marked the third anniversary of my sister Joscelyne’s death.   Around 8AM, I pulled the black and white photo of her, ensconced in a shiny, mirrored frame, off the…

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    The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night.

      Z and one of the butterflies.   Before seven this morning, I sat down on my couch, flipped open my laptop and read.    I heard the tiny fluttering wings of…