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      My latest drawing… Me.     I’m in a strange mood. Not a bad mood. Just strange.   For the past couple of days, I’ve had the song, “Don’t Fear the…

  • 530179 10201107501916051 1315499046 n

    Some Saturday Stuff- April 27th.

    Happy Saturday. It’s a bright, beautiful day here in Jersey, signs of spring, indeed. As is my morning ritual of sneezing and nose wiping. I’m not complaining, though. Despite this being a…

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    True Life: Having a Newborn Changed My Hair Routine

      This article first appeared at Black Girl With Long Hair in October 2011. ~ADF     Looking back on the past year and a half, I can honestly say, transitioning from…

  • gabrielle-reece-volleyball-daughters

    A Servant’s Heart

      Last week on my blog, I wrote about volleyball star and model Gabby Reece’s comments about her role as wife and mother in a much discussed (and trashed) appearance on NBC’s…

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    Prayer Request Update: Abigail Joy

        Thank you so much to all who prayed for little Abigail Joy. Her mother Naomi shares that for the past day, she has been stable for the past day and…

  • TURTLEBOY7yearoldDidierissufferingfromaconditionisknownasacongenitalmelanocyticnevusacommonskincomplaint

    Of surgeries and ads.

      (Mirror)     So while David and the rest of the literati world got their books on, I slumped on the couch and watched a documentary called “Turtle Boy” on NatGeo.…

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    For the love of books.

        My friends David and wife Gi Gi, along with their kids, were snapped by the Winchester Book Gallery handing out free books to passersby. He explained on Facebook:   We…

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    Art does not need…

     April at work in 2009.   Art does not need expensive tools and costly mediums. It shouldnt even aim to be good. Just tell me a story through imagery and color and…

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    Prayer Request: Abigail Joy

        I’m asking for prayer requests for my friend Naomi’s precious baby girl, Abigail Joy. Abby fell ill over the weekend and was taken to the hospital. She was diagnosed with…

  • rl

    “Ruthie Leming”

      In what I can only describe as laziness, I didn’t make it to church this morning. This afternoon, feeling like I shouldn’t waste an entire day, the Lord’s Day at that,…