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  • 294228 10100105084442138 1670809449 n

    Some Saturday Stuff- June 1st.

    Can you believe it’s June already? Where does the time go?   Tony who? Meet the new Iron Man.       First, I’ve got to let you all know about my…

  • mdw1


        So I’m still at work on that painting. I’ve been flipping through the stack of glossy mags my mother-in-law sent me from Trinidad for inspiration. The colors- the rich greens,…

  • mdw

    Memorial Day Weekend

      Sunday’s New York Times       I hope you had a great Memorial Day Weekend. Mine was cool, although I spent most of it at home and did not attend…

  • MDPrison021366749130

    Some Saturday Stuff- May 25th.

        Happy Memorial Day weekend, Folks! It was a tough week here at the De Freitas Homestead. First K fell ill, then Zoe. And judging by how I’ve been feeling for…

  • Pelo Malo.

        Yesterday evening, I was chatting with a neighbor, Veronica, for the first time. She’s an adorable little 20 year old who rooms with her older sister and a couple of…

  • 547594 4058816995156 1391214864 n

    Some Coltrane & Rain.

        More rain is in the forecast for the tri-state area. It’s not raining yet, so I was about to make a quick morning trip to Starbucks for a iced coffee…

  • 13560423631

    Disqus Disgust

        To everyone who valiantly tried to leave a comment yesterday only to have Disqus gobble it into cyber oblivion or who received prompts (threats?) to start a Disqus account: I’m…

  • 941688 10201431180487813 2042710619 n

    Holla Holla!

    Despite my general dislike of Ja Rule’s music/voice/rapping skills/career, I have “Holla Holla” stick in my head. I just posted this pic on Facebook:     That’s my latest rankings for the…

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    Six months.

      Today marks six months since Joscelyne passed, and since I got all emo a little over a week ago, I’ll skip that today and celebrate her memory. Here are some of…

  • 944528 10201399474135174 1780095993 n

    Some Saturday Stuff- May 18th.

    For the past four days, I feel I’ve been running on steam. Just blah. Not blech, but blah. I think it started when my IVIG treatment went wrong on Tuesday. I have…