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    I’ve had an Instagram account for close to a year now, but I don’t have any followers and follow no one. In fact, only I can see my pics since my profile…

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    Marty over the Mayans.

  • Mayan-Calendar

    Why the world didn’t end.

     (Source) Because there’s no Zombie apocalypse, duh! For another reason, check out this video from NASA:    

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    Are we in the matrix?

     (Source) Without having to take any pills, folks, some scientists are claiming they may be able to prove we are in a computer simulation. From the Huffington Post: Physicists say they may…

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    All I want for Christmas is…

    Zoe making a FaceTime call to Tante Kandi.     When I tell people Z’s favorite  hobby is playing with electronics like my iPad, remotes, keyboards and cell phones, people usually laugh…

  • Interviewing kids in a tragedy… for what?

    Caught this segment from On The Media with WABC-NY’s Bill Ritter and was… repulsed? Disgusted? I’m not even sure how to describe my reaction. Listen for yourself:   On the day of…

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    True it is that covetousness is rich, modesty starves.*

    I was raised Pentecostal, of the holy-roller variety that placed great emphasis on modesty, particularly (dang near exclusively) on women. Pants on women were a no-no, but at times accepted for modesty…

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    Be My Guest: Redefining Tolerance

     My handsome, bro, Joe.     The following guest post comes from my brother, Joseph Flemming. Enjoy! ~ADF The other day I was watching CBS “This Morning” and the special guest was…

  • To those who made us (briefly) look.

        Do you remember Kony 2012? Kind of? What about creepy Tanning Mom, who once again made New Jersey look like the capital of Oompa Loompa Land, along with The Situation…

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    God made him do it, and other fails

    My friend Kandi tagged me on Facebook in a video of Fox News host Mike Huckabee discussing the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting. Here it is: Mike Huckabee’s Incredible Response to Newtown Shooting…