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  • Throwback Thursday: Zoe 101: Lessons From My Daughter

    Note from Li: This post was first published on my old blog, Far Above Rubies, on March 6, 2012. I’m republishing it today, with an update: Matt is now an awesome dad…

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    Lent- Day 33: Say a little prayer for you.

       This week, Zoe painted an old glass pasta sauce bottle, put pen to note cards and listed names of family and friends, then dropped said cards into the bottle. Every day…

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    Lent- Day 32: Be you.

      While straightening up earlier, I came across the above picture made by Z. She explained it as, “the name of my new song I’m writing.” She never ceases to amaze me.…

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    Lent- Day 30: Have a slice.

    (Humble pie. Can I get you a slice? Image Source)     Zoe’s Bible lesson for today was on Jesus’ parable of The Pharisee and Tax Collector found in Luke 18:9-14. By the way,…


    Lent- Day 25: For them, I give thanks.

    One of the things I love about attending an Episcopal/Anglican church is the liturgy from The Book of Common Prayer. During the Thanksgiving season, we use prayers specifically listing the many things…

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    Lent- Day 16: Ponderings of the heart.

     Zoe in 2013. The pout is strong in this one.      Around Zoe’s second birthday, we took her for a check-up at the pediatrician. She wass weighed, measured and given shots.…

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    Lent- Day 15: Platinum fighter jets and withered grass.

    (People)     Kanye’s missus revealed new platinum blond locks in Paris yesterday while attending Fashion Week. Kim is styled by her other half, and he seems to like her looking very…

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    Some Sunday Stuff: July 20th.

        Happy Sunday, All. Tomorrow is Zoe’s third (!) birthday, but we started celebrating early. K will be at work all day tomorrow, so after a trip to the Carteret Waterfront…

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    Some Sunday Stuff: March 30th

    April and Gary, happy new owners of “Gown Girl”     Good Sunday to you. I’m glad to report that my first two art commissions are residing with their owners. Above, you…