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  • Lent 2020, Day 13: M-m-m-my Corona.

    Always get up, away from the cough.
    Stores are out of water, bleach & TP, it’s getting rough.
    My, my, my, ay, ay, woah!
    M-m-m-my Corona.
    My Corona.
    M-m-m-my Corona.
    My Corona

  • Lent 2020, Day 11: Christ & Coronavirus.

    In the midst of life, and medical tests, and Taco Bell parking lots, and Route 22, and Coronavirus, there is Jesus, and “Him crucified.”

  • Lent 2020, Day 6: ASMR, Eww, & You.

    Hey how you doin’? Lemme whisper in your ear,
    Tell you sumthing that you might like to hear…
    Or don’t. Please don’t.

  • Lent 2020, Day 4: The Power of Love.

    And I’ll never be royal
    It don’t run in my blood
    But I crave the power of love.

  • simptw

    Way down in the hole.

      My interview with Tray Chaney who played Poot on “The Wire” was so much fun, I wanted to keep it going. See, I’ve caught some flack from a couple friends over…

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    On Robin Williams and depression.

    Like millions, I was shocked on Monday when I heard the news that beloved comic actor Robin Williams had taken his life. I wound up in tears over my iPad, my nephew…

  • IRAQ01-master675

    Convert, pay or die.

    Iraqi Christian women at church in June. (Source)     Over the last few days, things have grown dire for Christians in Mosul, a city in northern Iraq. From a July 18th…

  • jay z web 1

    Is rap poetry?

    Jay Z: a 21st century poet?   John McWhorter, writing at The Daily Beast, answers with a definitive yes:     To utterly naïve anthropologists sent to document the ways of Americans…

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        Although I have four cousins who are part German, I’m backing Pope Francis, uh er, Argentina.

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    The Simpsons foretold it.

    Well, not really.   The “it” is Brazil losing to Germany in the World Cup, which happened on Tuesday. Boy did it ever happen. Losing is one thing, but seven to one!?…