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  • Lent 2023, Day 24: Pronouns.

    “… If God had a face what would it look like?

    And would you want to see”

  • Lent 2023, Day 13: Here’s to All the Ladies.

    “My persuasion
    Can build a nation
    Endless power
    With our love we can devour”

  • Lent 2023, Day 3: Stations of the Cross.

    Por la Vía Dolorosa, triste día en Jerusalén
    Los soldados le abrían paso a Jesús
    Mas la gente se acercaba
    Para ver al que llevaba aquella cruz

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    Lent- Day 1

      “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”     Those are the words typically spoken by the pastor, deacon or administrant while spreading ashes on the foreheads…

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    Lent- Day 1

      “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”     Those are the words typically spoken by the pastor, deacon or administrant while spreading ashes on the foreheads…

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    Some Sunday Stuff: November 23rd.

    Happy Sunday, All. I’ve been to church and Starbucks, the forecast for today and the next couple days is above freezing, so I’m feeling pretty optimistic.   In pondering what I’d post…

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    Some Saturday Stuff: September 27th.

    Me, yesterday, enjoying the unseasonably warm weather while deep in thought… and snapping a selfie.   Long time, no write. I hope all has been well with you, Dear Readers. I’ve been…

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    Is rap poetry?

    Jay Z: a 21st century poet?   John McWhorter, writing at The Daily Beast, answers with a definitive yes:     To utterly naïve anthropologists sent to document the ways of Americans…