26 results for “lent 2022

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Lent 2023, Day 6: TikTok Hates You.

It's getting late to give you up I took a sip from my devil's cup Slowly, it's taking over me Too high, can't come down It's in the air and it's all around Can you feel me now?


Lent 2023: Ash Wednesday.

Ashes, uncomfortable comfort, and good trouble. Get into it.


Some Sunday Stuff: Fourth Week of Advent, 2021.

Peace, especially at this time of year, is usually depicted as being silent, or quiet. It is "Silent Night" come to life; it's the sound of snow falling, and maybe it's just a tad staid. But that's not the peace that Dr. King fought for, and it certainly isn't the peace the King of Kings taught us to live out. Real peace -like real hope, real love, and real joy- demands action.


Some Sunday Stuff: October 17th.

The Simpsons x Balenciaga, is Technology becoming a religion, the ugliest paintings of Baby Jesus, and how The New York Times trashed some of our most classic works of literature. (And Adele is back!)
