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    Hiding evil.

        Have you ever read something that literally made you sick? I just finished a letter by a young woman who was sexually abused by her minister dad for nearly her…

  • the-rapture

    Jesus is not coming soon

        (Source) Provocative title, right? It caught my attention when I saw it over at Faithful Citizenship. Actually, there is a lot of provacation going on at the Progressive Christian Channel…

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    Another view of gay civil unions… from Christians.

    (Source)   There was a big kerfluffle back in January on the interwebs when atheist turned Catholic blogger Leah Libresco came out in support of civil marriage for gays. She wrote:  …

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    Buried in bulletins.

      Growing up at my grandfather’s church, bulletins, or “programs” as they use to call them, were not given out every Sunday. They were saved for special events like Women’s Days, Men’s…

  • post04-nyc-housesofworship

    Church (and temple and mosque) hopping.

        While New York City has a reputation of being a secular bastion, one Evangelical Christian, Tony Carnes, and his team of inquisitive reporters are on a mission to change that…

  • lead gregboyle

    The Calling of Delight

      On Sunday as I drove to church, I caught part of a great episode of “On Being” hosted by Krista Trippet with Father Gregory Boyle. It was so good in fact,…

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    Are megachurches going the way of CDs?

    Outside my dad’s church.     As in an unappealing and outdated relic of the latter part of the twentieth century? Maybe. I know I never felt comfortable in them anyway. I…

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    DJesus Uncrossed

        While I did see “DJango Unchained,” I totally missed Saturday Night Live’s spoof, so I found this post by David R. Henson pretty interesting:   No doubt, a lot of…

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        I’m with Matthew Paul Turner on Rob Bell’s new book promo vid. What the hezzy?  

  • galileo1

    Galileo on God

    (Brain Pickings Weekly)   Starting in college, I began hearing how the Roman Catholic Church supposedly tormented Galileo, religion, of course being the squasher of science and human brillance. It was only…