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    A caffeinated toast to the world not ending.

    My beautiful friend April updated her Facebook status this morning and mentioned she’d done some meditating at 5AM and enjoyed a cup of joe. I remember years ago hanging out at Van…

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    Twilight & butterflies.

     Joscelyne and Zoe enjoying the sunshine at the park in October.   I awoke this morning amongst thoughts of Joscelyne. I was barely awake, in that twilight stage between wake and sleep.…

  • 5 IronMarkFace

    A closer look at the wounds of the Wet Bandits.

    I’ve watched “Home Alone” a quadrillion times since I was a kid, almost always around Christmas. The latest was last weekend. Watching it as a 30 year old is far different than…

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    Merry Christmas from Linus (and me).


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    This Christmas.

    Yesterday started off tough. I had a headache most of the day and then got my period. The icing on my crap cake was the ache of missing Jos. K, being both…

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    My nose is big, uh-uh, I’m not ashamed.

      No shhhh-ing necessary. The obvious can be said aloud. I’ve got a big nose.     “You’ve got a bird nose.” So my prominent nostrils were described by my college boyfriend,…

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    “First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in the baby carriage.”

    Since K and I can check off the first two, we have been bombarded with questions regarding that last one. Questions, startling statements and outright demands (my grandmother really would like to…

  • li

    Walking Through The Valley of the Shadow

    Fear will blind you from the light. Faith will reveal it. “When the Lord knows that good health is necessary for our soul’s welfare, He sends it to us; and when we…

  • greatestlove

    A Requiem Before The Sepia Stain

      “She was a drug abuser, a talent wasted… took her own life, pissed on her fortune and pissed away her beauty. I know. God, Whitney knew. She said it 10 years…

  • lizoe

    When the bough breaks…

    I’ve received so many great messages of support, I will forever be grateful. Even the simple “I’m here for you” texts have buoyed my spirit. It’s a struggle. My mood shifts not…