Lent 2024, Day 29: A totally cogent post written by AI.

Photo courtesy of Zoe.

When I asked Zoe what I should write about today, she turned to Google’s AI, Gemini, and asked for something for Lent inspired by her recent photos of leaves. And so, I present, a guest post by Gemini, with photos and prompting by Z:

Letting Go and Renewal: The pile of leaves can represent the things we need to let go of during Lent. This could be anything from bad habits to negative thoughts. Just as the trees shed their leaves in the fall to make way for new growth in the spring, we can use Lent as a time to shed the things that are holding us back and make room for new beginnings.

Photo courtesy of Zoe.

Surrender and Humility: The leaves have fallen to the ground and are now at the mercy of the elements. This can be a metaphor for surrendering to God’s will. Lent is a time to humble ourselves and remember that we are not in control.

Photo courtesy of Zoe.

Impermanence and Mortality: The leaves were once green and full of life, but now they are dead and decaying. This is a reminder of our own impermanence and mortality. Lent is a time to reflect on our lives and what is truly important.

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