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  • It's 90's, 00's, and 10s Li- and in this post we'll do even more time traveling.

    Some Sunday Stuff: January 12th.

    Some of the biggest music trends of the teens, some of the top wedding gowns of the past century, some of the best children’s books of the past year, and some time traveling with Alicia Keys. It’s this week’s Some Sunday Stuff.

  • Gibson Girl by Charles Dana Gibson

    Some Sunday Stuff: November 30th.

    Happy Sunday. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Ours was quiet, and actually involved not a single traditional Thanksgiving dish. No turkey, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, pumpkin or sweet potato pie.…

  • anniehall

    Some Saturday Stuff: July 12th.

    Diane Keaton as Annie Hall.   Happy Saturday, All. I’ve been texted and questioned a few times this week on Instagram about how I’m doing, and I figure I’ll restate here: I’m…