91 results for “joe

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Invader Z(oe)

Over the last few months, Z has become… I don’t even know how to describe her. From the time her tiny toes hits the floor in the morning, she’s on the go, like a hurricane. She opens drawers, pulling out every stitch of clothing. She puts her blocks in her dad’s shoes, and Cheerios in…


Deep roots.

 My mommy, back in the day. The results of my mother’s DNA test came via a short email with a link. I spent a few minutes trying to recall my password, and finally logged in. A quick wave of anxiety passed over me. I knew it wasn’t going to be a revelation. In my brokeness,…


A caffeinated toast to the world not ending.

My beautiful friend April updated her Facebook status this morning and mentioned she’d done some meditating at 5AM and enjoyed a cup of joe. I remember years ago hanging out at Van Gogh’s Ear cafe with her after she moved back to Jersey after finishing college in Seattle. We didn’t get too many opportunities to…


Are we in the matrix?

 (Source) Without having to take any pills, folks, some scientists are claiming they may be able to prove we are in a computer simulation. From the Huffington Post: Physicists say they may have evidence that the universe is a computer simulation. How? They made a computer simulation of the universe. And it looks sort of…


Be My Guest: Redefining Tolerance

 My handsome, bro, Joe.     The following guest post comes from my brother, Joseph Flemming. Enjoy! ~ADF The other day I was watching CBS “This Morning” and the special guest was Pastor Rick Warren. At first I wasn’t really paying attention, he was celebrating the tenth anniversary of his seminal book “The Purpose Driven…


Innocents Loss

  Friday started off very well for me. The best day I had all week, actually. I spent so much of Sunday and Monday crying over Jos… the continual realizations that I would never have any of her fresh baked Christmas cookies or watch “A Charlie Brown Christmas” with her seemed too much. But by…


Your brain on video games

 (Source) Just watched an awesome TED talk on the benefits  of playing video games. This post, I dedicate to my brother Joe.


Splits & Schisms

 Me after the 8AM service on Sunday. All these pics are of my church, taken by me. Despite being Unapologetically Episcopalian… well, liking it on Facebook, I’ve been feeling something like sorrow for the denomination to which my church belongs. It seems every other day there’s yet another story about it’s decreasing numbers and entire…


Circles, Squares & Z

We sat, mouths slightly agape, staring. We were shocked and hurt, K and I. We had just been counseled briefly that the child inside me might be genetically “defective”. And then asked flatly, if we would like to consider terminating the pregnancy? ******************************************************** Six weeks ago, K and I left work early to go the…


The Secret Life of B****es

No, no, no, not “The Secret Life of Bees”. The Secret Life of B****es! No Dakota Fanning in this category. I think.   I’ve worked with quite a number of men and women over the past ten years, and unfortunately, a few… how shall I put it? Well, I had the dishonor of working for…
