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    If you came here from Mark Shea’s blog…

    Welcome! I’m glad you clicked the link. Please come back soon! I figured I’d write this to answer a few questions that might be floating around in your head. What is wrong…

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    Feast of the Little Flower

     A statue of St. Therese at St. Joseph the Carpenter, Roselle, NJ. Today is the feast day of St. Therese of Liseaux on the Roman Catholic Calendar (the Anglican Communion, of which…

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    Romancing the ordinary.

    On Thursday, my friend Kawania stopped by to pick up a flash drive. She was just leaving her job as an elementary school teacher, and as I opened the door to let…

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    Esther: Heroine or Harlot?

    (Source) Have you heard about Mark Driscoll’s sermon series on the Old Testament book of Esther? It’s making a big splash on the interwebs, sadly (but not surprisingly) for all the wrong…

  • A totally awesome life lesson via “The Simpsons”.

    I was re-watching “A Totally Fun Thing Bart Will Never Do Again”, an episode of “The Simpsons” from last season, and I thought, “If only people, especially in our pleasure-above-all culture, could…

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    If we have a war on women, this is Armageddon.

    Slutwalks. Giant costumes of vaginas. The war on women. After being bombarded with stories like these, it becomes all too easy to grow jaded. I admit, I had. From Sandra Fluke to…

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    Romancing the extraordinary.

    If there is one thing I truly, wholeheartedly miss about attending my former church, it’s the praise and worship time. The worship team and musicians were very talented, but it isn’t the…

  • Blog Repost: Single & Committed: The Ever Rising Phoenix

     In about five hours, my friend Cathy will be single no more! She is marrying a wonderful, loving Godly man named Peter. To celebrate, I’m reposting an interview I did with Cathy…

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    Welcome to East of Eden!

      Happy New Year and welcome to East of Eden! After blogging at Far Above Rubies for nearly four years, I’ve decided to move on. But it’s not so much of an…

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    Christian Music suckage.

    After I took a stab at romancing the extraordinary, getting some word choice help from Contemporary Christian music (CCM), I stumbled upon this piece by Jordon Bloom at The American Conservative. The…